It’s certification season, the time of year when you put all your hard work to the test and reach your professional goals. PSIA-AASI’s world-class education materials are the tools you’ll need to succeed. All PSIA-AASI manuals are available in print and digital formats, and all PSIA-AASI members can access a free digital edition of the Teaching Snowsports Manual AND the technical manual of their primary discipline.
Visit your division’s website to learn more about the certification process.
Adaptive Alpine Technical Manual
This manual provides a solid foundation for helping students with disabilities experience freedom on one ski, two skis, or sit-ski equipment. Covering a variety of topics, including student assessment, equipment, and progressions for various student categories — and enhanced supplemental video — it’s a must-have for all adaptive instructors.
Alpine Technical Manual
This new manual puts a fresh spin on PSIA’s skills based approach, retooling fundamental concepts to reflect the diverse demands of modern skiing. A renewed look at the science of skiing adds depth and clarity to the technical message, and offers a simple and consistent base of knowledge to help you tailor your lessons to any student outcome, prepare for certification, and advance your skiing.
Cross Country Technical Manual
Welcome to the Nordic world of skate, classic, and downhill Nordic skiing with this manual. This is your cross country trail pass to success on the latest technical model. Learn about the science of cross country skiing, teaching concepts, equipment, waxing, and more.
Snowboard Technical Manual
Whether you are new to teaching or a seasoned veteran, this brand-new manual will boost your knowledge and support every step, slash, slide, and carve you take towards professional development. Expand your skills in the area of teaching, movement analysis and riding with this update of the AASI Snowboard Teaching System.
Teaching Snowsports Manual
This manual brings to life the three components of PSIA-AASI’s Learning Connection – people skills, teaching skills, and technical skills – to provide a framework for snowsports instructors’ development. The Teaching Snowsports Manual is a must-have education resource for all instructors, regardless of the discipline you teach or lesson specialty.
Telemark Technical Manual
Answering the question “What is good Telemark Skiing” this manual gives you the tools you need to improve your own telemark skiing skills and teach amazing lessons. It is the definitive guide to teaching the technique and tactics of alpine free-heel skiing, otherwise known as telemark or nordic downhill.