What task forces are you on?

I currently serve as the chairperson for the Directors Task Force, and sit on the Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship Committee and the Women’s Initiative Task Force. I am also the chair of the Intermountain Division Director Committee.

Current snowsports job title?

Snowbird Mountain School Director.

Brief bio?

I’m a long-term PSIA-AASI member. I was an examiner in the Eastern Division from ’95-’01 and I’ve served as an examiner for the Intermountain Division from ’05 to the present. I’ve written children’s manuals for the Eastern Division and was an author for a past version of our Core Concepts manual. I was part of SKIwee (technical director). I also served on both Eastern and national children’s committees, served on the national steering committee, and co-organized and ran the Women’s Summit 2020 with our division CEO.

What are the task force’s main goals?

  • Directors Task Force: Inform and educate ski and ride school directors on the resources available to them from PSIA-AASI to help schools encourage professional development for their instructors.
  • Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship: Award scholarships to keep women in the game.
  • Women’s Initiative Task Force: Achieve parity and equity for women in our association through mentorship, education, and awareness.

Why is it important to work for the benefit of other members?

Listening and learning about the experiences of others can help inform us about what we can do for the sport and the industry. Giving back makes me feel like I’m returning the services I received from folks like Sal Raio, Junior Bounous, Cal Cantrel, and countless others who mentored and supported me. As Nancy would say, “Pay it forward.”

What’s the fun factor?

I get to work with my best friends. I get to see progress. I get to meet new people and let them know they matter. I get to stay involved in the sport that gave me my start in my career and keeps me growing and learning.