Thank You for Being Part of the PSIA-AASI Community!
This membership association is made up of 34,000+ passionate ski and snowboard instructors and snowsports school managers in the U.S., all working to advance their skills and provide the best guest experience possible. PSIA-AASI members are all ages, live in all states, and represent all disciplines. We are glad you are with us!
Your Member Benefits
Membership starts you on the journey to becoming a certified instructor and to exploring a snowsports career. PSIA-AASI and its regions provide everything you need to get certified, maintain your ongoing education, grow your professional career, and connect with a likeminded community.
important information
These are highlights of what PSIA-AASI members need to know. Keep scrolling for a full list of FAQ. Questions? Contact us.
Code of Conduct
PSIA-AASI developed a code of conduct to help you achieve a level of personal conduct and standards of behavior that are consistent with the expectations of instructors across the country.
Membership Renewal Period
Our membership cycle is based on our fiscal year, which begins July 1. This means that no matter when you join, your membership expires June 30. Please keep this in mind and be sure to act during the renewal cycle, May-June.
Continuing Education Requirements
Continuing Education Units (CEUs), plus current membership, are required for Certified Members to maintain professional certification — a minimum of six CEUs must be earned every membership year (between July 1 and June 30). See additional details below.
How to Order Pins
Pins are available in the online store to members. Wear yours on your work uniform with pride!
Active Duty Military
Members who are unable to teach snowsports due to a temporary active-duty assignment for the Armed Forces of the United States may petition their regional office for a waiver of their membership dues and/or education requirements.
Understanding Regions
When you join PSIA-AASI, you also become a member of a PSIA-AASI region. Your region is your home for in-person events, certification clinics, instructor training, volunteer opportunities, and community building. Regions also offer scholarship, mentorship, and career advancement, alongside similar national-level offerings.
Membership categories
Membership Policies
Member FAQ
Please explore this section if you have questions. Still need help? Contact us.
Instructor certification
Education and events
Job Board
PSIA-AASI has more than 300 member schools who are able to post their openings to our national job board. Whether you are looking to get started, seeking the next step up, or are ready to go for a management job, find your next role here with a school that understands the value of your certification.