We Train and Certify the Best for Your Guests
PSIA-AASI certified instructors are your resort’s best ambassadors as well as your future school managers, leaders, and staff trainers. Our member schools report that PSIA-AASI has a significant and positive impact on their operations. More than 80% agree or strongly agree that PSIA-AASI trained or certified instructors have a positive overall impact on guest experiences, increase safety awareness through education, and contribute to higher rates of year-over-year retention of instructors. Better instructors are good for your business.
National Benefits for Member Schools
PSIA-AASI member snowsports schools have access to expert resources, from educational materials to our skilled staff who can spend time on the hill with your team conducting trainings and/or certification clinics. Below are benefits offered by the national office. Please work with your region to engage education staff and enjoy additional support. Find your region via the map, below.

national representation
Snowsports Management Advisory Council (SMAC)
The SMAC is a collective of snowsports school leaders from across the U.S., nominated by and representing each PSIA-AASI region. These individuals share best practices and act as a resource to help steer national educational programming directions. They also disseminate great ideas, plans, projects, and resources to their peers nationwide. Not sure who your rep is or want to learn more about SMAC?
ongoing education
Snowsports Manager Summits
Every year, prior to the start of the winter sports season, PSIA-AASI hosts an educational gathering that is free to leaders of member snowsports schools. The summit is intended to impart actionable insights and offer valuable connections to support the growth and success of your school. In 2024, the summit was conducted virtually and included three webinars. Topics included Key Leadership Strategies and Principals for Leading a Snowsports School, The Positive Impact Mentoring Programs Can Have on Your Snowsports School, and Supporting Equity and Inclusion in Snowsports. Stay tuned for info about the Fall 2025 summit, and be sure to check if your region hosts its own local summit.

Member School Toolkits
We are working with the Snowsports Management Advisory Council, our national education staff, and regions to update our toolkits so you can promote certification to your staff and lessons to your guests. Please find our legacy materials, here. *Items are no longer in official use and have not been updated in some time.
Find Your Region
When you join PSIA-AASI, you also become a member of a PSIA-AASI region. Click the map to visit a region’s informational page.