Access Your Educational Resources
Current members enjoy free access to three digital manuals:
- The technical manual of your primary discipline
- Teaching Snowsports
- Teaching Children Snowsports
You must be logged in (with your same member portal account). Purchase print copies in our online store. Any additional digital manuals you purchased may also be accessed here.
digital manuals
Adaptive Alpine Technical Manual
Adaptive Instruction Supplement (free)
Adaptive Snowboard Technical Manual
Adult Alpine Teaching Handbook
Alpine Technical Manual
Cross Country Technical Manual
Fitness for Skiing and Snowboarding
Freestyle Technical Manual
Snowboard Teaching Handbook
Snowboard Technical Manual
Teaching Children Snowsports
Teaching Children Snowsports, Alpine Field Guide
Teaching Snowsports Manual
Telemark Technical Manual
Choose Your Discipline
PSIA-AASI offers professional certification in all major snowsports disciplines. Start with Level I and work your way up to Level Ill, gain certification in multiple disciplines, or explore children’s and freestyle specialties. Beyond Level III, you can become an instructor trainer, join our education staff, and aim for the National Team. Choose your sport to learn more.