We are excited to welcome you to the new home of the Snow Pros! We heard you in our member surveys that the national website needed improvements.

The changes to the site are intended to do everything from enhancing site speed and security to creating an environment that welcomes instructors, promotes the value of certification, and helps our 34,000+ members find what they need more quickly and easily.

Below is an overview of how to use the new site. We recommend clicking around a bit on your own. Thank you for your patience with the challenges of the old site and thank you for taking some time to get to know this new one!

Certification resources are organized by discipline

Links to all the resources you need to succeed in your job and your certification goals are organized by discipline. This follows how most of the region websites are organized, is much more intuitive, and doesn’t require the user to understand all of PSIA-AASI’s terminology to find what they need.

Head to your discipline page to find:

  • Certification standards
  • Specialist standards
  • Fundamentals
  • Performance Guides
  • Assessment Forms

You can also go straight to the Digital Manuals for Every Discipline page under Professional Development.

Faster member portal login

When you hit the login button, you will be directed to your member portal instead of back to the website homepage. From there you can easily navigate to the E-Learning platform, pro offers, and the PSIA-AASI store.

Similar to how the current website works, you can also log in directly from the member materials you are trying to access, like digital manuals.

Where are pro offers?

Under Membership. All of your benefits are there; visit the Resources and FAQ page for more.

The mobile experience is improved

Note little navigation touches like sliders, arrows, and drop-down menus to help you find things. We also reduced reliance on PDFs for certain resources (though they still exist should you need them) because they are not mobile-friendly and harder to search.

The member portal, online learning website, and event registration are unchanged

Each of those sites are separate properties so they will not be impacted by the changes to the marketing website. However, all those touchpoints are being actively worked on to improve your user experience.

Other updates:
  • The search function works. Find it top right.
  • Site speed should be drastically improved.
  • All links from the old site should be redirected but we are tracking broken links and fixing them ASAP.

We hope you feel the stoke!

We believe that teaching snowsports is one of the best jobs in the world and that instructors are some of the most passionate, dedicated people in the ski and snowboard business. Who else loves skiing or riding so much that they’re willing to spend time sharing it with others? We want to welcome and resource as many instructors and potential instructors as possible to achieve their certification and career goals.

The 2024-28 PSIA-AASI National Team at their first team training event, Arapahoe Basin, November 2024

We also believe that what you do is critical to a healthy snowsports industry. Snow Pros are on the front lines of welcoming, developing, and stoking the next generation of ski and snowboard enthusiasts at every ski area across the country.

Every day, you are delivering a great guest experience and developing everyone from the next X-Games and Olympic heroes to someone who will go on to become a ski parent. Whether you’re teaching kids on the beginner hill in the rain on a Tuesday evening or coaching an all-day private lesson off the Big Sky Lone Peak Tram, your work has impact. You are changing lives by giving the gifts of adventure, freedom, and self-confidence.

We wanted this to be reflected out to the industry and everyone who doesn’t know us yet. We–YOU–are Snow Pros. That means you are the best of the best and have a huge impact. Thank you for the work you do!

Have feedback? Let us know via the Contact Us form and please be specific so we can make changes, if neccessary. The website will be a project of continual improvement, and we hope it enhances your member experience.