Congratulations to the 2021-24 PSIA-AASI National Team for all the work they’ve done promoting, supporting, and assisting with the development of PSIA-AASI education materials, programs, and activities at all levels.
As the team enters its final season, team coaches and members reflect on the work they’ve done for the association, their personal accomplishments, and their professional development plans — including how they think those plans can help you reach your goals this season.
PSIA Alpine Team Member Dusty Dyar
Q: This team has achieved a lot in a short time — including representing the association at Interski 2023, continued refinement of the Learning Connection, and working toward the target date to align certification processes. What achievements stand out to you?
A: The alignment certification processes I believe are the biggest steps PSIA-AASI has taken in decades. This ball started rolling well before either of the teams I have been a part of, and the unity of our organization across the country from this has been needed for so long. Because of this process, our organization has taken deep investigations into our material and processes and created clear outcomes for instructors to achieve their goals.
Q: Where do you want to improve this season, especially regarding the individual people, teaching, and technical skills of the Learning Connection?
A: I always have work to do in all the skills, and I am presently focusing on the people skills. I am working to develop more empathy and understanding for others while not sacrificing my values and beliefs. Then, the large component that is often forgotten is the integration of all three skills. It is easy to focus or be consumed by one piece, and the challenge is to not let go of the other two pieces and keep a flow and a balance of all the skills while improving individual areas.
Q: What other goals do you have in terms of teaching and skiing?
A: My personal goals are to spend more time skiing outside of work with my family and for myself. I want to find excitement and thrill without needing to manage it for someone else. I also want to visit and check in with people I have met across the country, in particular, the smaller areas that do not have a super deep staff of trainers and educational staff. I will also start working as a part-time race coach, where I will learn all that I can about the competitive side of our sport. Hopefully, I will be able to set a course by the end of the year!
Q: How can you work with and learn from other instructors on this journey?
A: Luckily, I have great resources in my teammates to learn from, and I plan to take courses from USSA to learn the basics and work my way up.
Q: How can your professional development plan help other instructors work to achieve their goals?
A: First, remember the love and joy of the sport. Then spend your time building a solid foundation with the basics. Finally, seek out others to support you, mentor you, partner with you, and ski with you.
Q: What does being a member of the PSIA-AASI community mean to you, and how do you share that sense of belonging with the people you teach, as well as other snow pros?
A: It’s an amazing time to be a part of PSIA-AASI. There is so much effort and dedication to helping people improve their skills as snowsports instructors and personal skiing and riding. The skills gained can improve and affect all aspects of your life and any other field of work as well. I found immense pride in being a part of the National Team at Interski 2023 in Levi, Finland. Other countries are genuinely interested in what we are doing.