Congratulations to the 2021-24 PSIA-AASI National Team for all the work they’ve done promoting, supporting, and assisting with the development of PSIA-AASI education materials, programs, and activities at all levels.

As the team enters its final season, team coaches and members reflect on the work they’ve done for the association, their personal accomplishments, and their professional development plans — including how they think those plans can help you reach your goals this season.

AASI Snowboard Team Member Chris Rogers

Q: This team has achieved a lot in a short time including representing the association at Interski 2023, continued refinement of the Learning Connection, and working toward the target date to align certification processes. What achievements stand out to you?

A: There are so many things to consider, but I’m most proud of the work being done to align the certification standards and process across regions.

Entering my nineteenth year of membership in PSIA-AASI, I can remember the conversations in my first few years about how different certification was in different regions. This is a massive undertaking and the work being shared across the teams, national taskforces, education staff in each region, and leadership groups from all regions is truly incredible. It’s been awesome to see all the regions working together to accomplish this. We’re approaching a time when members will be able to attend exams and clinics in any region at a time that’s convenient for them, with a consistent exam experience across the whole country, which is tremendously exciting.

Q: Where do you want to improve this season, especially in regard to the individual people, teaching and technical skills of the Learning Connection?

A: I’m still really enjoying creating new ways to coach the snowboard technical fundamentals in different ways. It’s cool to see the new instructors from the last few years, who started their careers after the introduction of the fundamentals, starting to teach us new things about them. This new generation of instructors “grew up” fluent in the fundamentals and have mastery of them that can teach any of us who initially learned the board performances new ways to describe their actions and interrelations!

Q: What other professional goals do you have in terms of teaching and riding?

A: As we work to align processes and terminology across regions, we’re also increasing alignment between alpine and snowboard disciplines. One of my professional goals is to continue working toward my Alpine Level III. The better I’m able to “speak skiing,” the better I’m getting at describing the similarities and differences. Bridging that gap helps snowboard instructors understand the benefits of working toward alpine certification and alpine instructors working toward snowboard certification.

Q: How can you work with and learn from other instructors on this journey?

A: I truly enjoy listening to the experience of our members as they work toward their goals. I find inspiration from anyone working to achieve something new for themselves, and feel like there’s always something to learn!

Q: How can your professional development plan help other instructors work to achieve their goals?

A: My own process of working through Alpine Level I and II helped me communicate the benefits of dual certification. It’s through working toward goals that we better ourselves, and anything anyone can do to encourage others to work toward goals fuels improvement!

Q: What does being a member of the PSIA-AASI community mean to you, and how do you share that sense of belonging with the people you teach, as well as other snow pros?

A: This has been my community for 19 seasons. It’s a huge part of my life, and many of my best friends have been gained through teaching, training, and connecting with our community.