PSIA-AASI National Team member Jennifer Simpson Weier, who was on snow at Loveland Ski Area in Colorado last week, shares some insight on teaching successful lessons in the time of COVID-19.

Here are some of Jennifer’s observations from being back on snow.

  • People are staying in small groups, and keeping those groups separate from each other.
  • We rode chairlifts two people to a chair and kept masks on while riding the lift.
  • Everybody is super respectable of each other, and everyone has made it clear it’s perfectly acceptable if someone wants to ride the chair as a single and not with anyone else.
  • It’s been fun trying to figure out who’s under each mask, you really aren’t seeing anyone else’s face.
  • People are packing their own lunch, either packed sandwiches or heating their meal up with a camp stove.
  • My car is now my locker room, I’m using a camp chair and a mat to I put my boots on in the morning.
  • The vibe has been awesome and everyone is excited to be back on snow.

Jennifer recommends staying flexible this season, and respecting resorts’ requests. She said their goal is to open and stay open, so let’s help them stay open this season.

“I want to have a great time with the people I’m with, and have everyone leave healthy,” said Jennifer. “Working as an emergency room nurse this summer I learned I can take the right precautions to help me stay healthy in a high-risk environment. I try to control the things I can control, and be as cautious as possible. On the slopes, I’m making sure I am not getting too close to anyone else.”

The COVID-19 updates page on is a great resource for staying up to date on national and regional best practices. You can also share the COVID-19 resources page with guests who want to learn more about what it’s like to visit a resort this season.