Two new First Chair podcasts share news from PSIA-AASI Official Supplier The North Face and also Part 3 of Family Private Group Lesson Strategies with Aleks and Brian Smith.

Scott Mellin from The North Face Chats Partnership + COVID’s Silver Lining Impact

The First Chair podcast catches up with The North Face’s Global VP of Mountain Sports, Scott Mellin, about The North Face’s monthly podcast series with PSIA-AASI that will update listeners about member benefits from the partnership, new product innovations, and the surprising silver lining from COVID-19’s impact on the company.

Part 3 – Family Private Group Lesson Strategies with Aleks and Brian Smith

PSIA-AASI members and parents Aleks and Brian Smith share their strategies for successful family private lessons. Get some ideas on how you can help parents become partners in the learning environment during your lesson. Helping to educate a family is an art and a science and Aleks and Brian give you some suggestions for skill development and success for all.