Check out these online learning opportunities from PSIA-AASI, and view a complete list of PSIA-AASI online learning opportunities here. These educational offerings are open to all members.

Did You See That?! Alpine Webinar

This interactive e-learning event from the Central Division is open to all Level I, II or III certified members interested in developing their movement analysis skills.

This event consists of three two-hour webinar sessions. Participants will observe and learn from the Ed Staff facilitator in session one (Sept. 14), contribute to movement analysis through Ed Staff guidance in session two (Sept. 21), and develop movement analysis followed by prescription for change and lesson/coaching development in session three (Sept. 28). All session will be held from 8-10 p.m. ET. Learn more and register on the Central Division events page.

Women in Snowsports Absolutely, Positively, Inspiring!

Join some amazingly successful women for an online panel discussion on Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. ET. Learn what is in their hearts and minds. Who are they? What have they done that has helped them to be successful? What lessons have they learned along the way? You’ll learn what inspires and motivates these women and have a chance to ask some questions of your own. Learn more and register on the Eastern Division events page.