Catch up with members of the PSIA-AASI National Team, and candidates invited to the 2021 Team Selection, as they discuss how they are staying in shape this summer, making goals for next winter, and creating new education resources for the association.
This week we catch up with PSIA Alpine Team member Robin Barnes.
How are you staying busy?
I would normally be in Portillo, Chile right now skiing pow with an amazing group of Portillo profesores. Instead, I am staying busy with bike rides, house projects, PSIA-AASI projects, workouts, reading, and connecting with family and friends—although in person not so much. It is strange to me how days and weeks go by pretty quickly.
What is your go-to offseason workout?
It’s hard to keep a regular workout schedule while traveling during the season, so I tend to stick to weight lifting. It’s been super fun mixing that up with time on my bike this summer. My favorite rides are the all-day ones where you finish with barely enough energy to jump in the shower.
Big goals for next season?
I’m pumped about the work that has been going on with The Learning Connection Model, Fundamentals, Learning Outcomes and Performance Guides to guide the organization in education and exams. We are on a great path, and I look forward to bringing it all out on the hill next season.
Also, I’m excited about training for and trying out in the Team Selection process next April. I’ve been on the team a few times, but each selection brings different expectations and challenges. It’s great stuff and let’s us all know what we’re made of!
Which digital resource would you recommend for other members?
Hard to say just one. I’m a big fan of the Matrix—there is so much valuable material there. Also, our e-learning courses are relevant, valuable resources for staying current with many topics with a relatively small investment of time.
Lastly, I think it’s important to snoop around to find resources that grab your attention. Carol Dweck’s theory on Growth Mindset is stimulating, and the accompanying Facebook page references valuable articles that are directly relevant to us as ski/snowboard teachers. Likewise, Dr. Jim Taylor, Sport Psychologist, has great articles designed for ski racers that are relatable and relevant for our membership.
What educational initiative or taskforce project are you working on right now?
I’ve been involved with a stellar team working on the Teaching Skills Performance Guide this summer.
Any shout out you would like to share?
Yeah, a shout out to all of us that work in the industry. It’s been a challenging few months, and there is a lot up in the air right now about next season. We all will have responsibilities to make it work. Let’s stay positive, stay informed, be flexible, and remain resilient. We’ve got this.