Eric Rolls serves as the new AASI Snowboard Coach for the PSIA-AASI National Team. In this new First Chair Podcast, Rolls talks about how he’s been integral in the development of PSIA-AASI’s Learning Connection Model, and how he’s going to continue to serve our association as his leadership capabilities expand with coaching experience this coming season.

Discipline-specific goals for next season: Over the last four years, the team has done incredible work to support the association, including National Standards updates, contributing to the Teaching Snowsports Manual, Interski, e-learning modules, articles for 32 Degrees, divisional taskforce meetings, podcasts,  and fine-tuning the Learning Connect Model, to name a few. Some of these will carry over through this season and to teams beyond, but the team is also looking forward to bringing some ongoing projects to a close and creating more access to some great educational content.

Opportunities: This bonus year gives us the opportunity to deliver education materials we developed, in a variety of formats.  We have one more year to bring the Learning Connection Model to life and continue proving its relevance in modern snowsports teaching. We also have a great opportunity to give some great support for the new team that’s assembled this spring.

Value to members: The team that created so many of the details for the LCM will have another year to promote it and showcase the application of these education materials to the membership. This will bring great value to the member because the LCM is incorporated heavily in the updated National Standards document. Continuing to promote the LCM will also support the membership to continue giving great snowsports experiences to mountain guests.

Spread the stoke: As we role into a new season with a lot of unknowns it is more important than ever to connect with our guests and provide amazing mountain experiences for them.

Last word: I’m very excited to have another coach for the snowboard discipline, as longtime Snowboard Team member Tony Macri has been named assistant coach. I have a great deal of respect for Tony, and his vast set of skills will surely contribute to the success of the team. He brings another perspective in a leadership role which will prove to balance that of my own and the other coaches.