Catch up with members of the PSIA-AASI National Team, and the candidates who have been invited to 2021 Team Selection, as they discuss how they are staying in shape this summer, making goals for next winter, and creating new education resources for the association.

This week we talk to PSIA-AASI Adaptive Team Coach Geoff Krill.

How are you staying busy?

My life transitioned from snow education to helping teach 3rd and 4th grade lessons to my two kids at home. My wife works as a full time teacher, so she has been busy implementing remote learning platforms and interacting with her students and we coordinate our days around her schedule.

I am concerned about summer adaptive programming and how can we protect a group of people that have so many different underlying health considerations. People need adaptive sports. That being said, the opportunity to be at home with my family cycling, building campfires, and taking on all the home projects has been an amazing light within this whole thing.

Big goals for next season?

I am excited to have the opportunity to work and interact with the current adaptive team, and also have another year to engage with those trying out for the next team. I can’t wait to get back on snow. I have had time to tweak equipment and come up with some new ideas that I’m excited to put into action. I have an entire brain filled with what if we try this?! I guess it is part of being adaptive, “Trying to improve in order to disprove.”

Which digital resource would you recommend for other members?

Anything that involves conversation! Not emails, but real problem solving discussions and excitement building sessions. I think we all need people right now and putting a face and a voice to the conversations can help build relationships. If you can keep the interaction and stoke high, the motor will be revved for when we can get back on track again.

What’s your favorite ski movie?

Hot Dog!!!!!! That movie redefined my life!

What educational initiative are you working on right now?

I’m really excited for next year, whatever it may bring. I love the alignment and consistency directive we have been working on. This is truly taking shape, providing so many positive interdisciplinary interactions that can only raise the bar in regards to the overall education within the snowsports community. We have such a dedicated group of leaders within the adaptive community.

Any shout out you would like to share?

This is the strongest group of people I know! Please stay safe and continue to look for the good in all of this as it will continue to be at the forefront of our lives. Continue to move forward.