National Team

The PSIA-AASI National Team sets the standard for U.S. snowsports instruction and embodies the ski and snowboard experience. Representing adaptive, alpine, cross country, snowboard, and telemark disciplines, the team is responsible for promoting, supporting, and assisting with the development of PSIA-AASI education materials, programs, and activities at all levels. They also inspire, coach, and uplift the entire snowsports instruction profession. Selections for the National Team happen every four years. Hundreds try out for the opportunity to wear the patch and are selected not just for their ski/ride and teaching abilities, but also their people skills, ability to compliment a holistic “team,” and potential for positive impact on the greater PSIA-AASI community.

Engage With the National Team

Member instructors have the opportunity to interact with the National Team at major PSIA-AASI events. Member schools and regions can bring one (or several) National Team members to their ski area, Nordic center, or snowsports event. As ambassadors for the highest echelons of the snowsports instruction profession, they educate, inspire, uplift, and influence members of our community everywhere. Their skills and passion can elevate your next event, excite and inspire your staff, or provide instruction at the highest level.

learn from the national team

National Team Official Suppliers