PSIA-AASI developed the Code of Conduct to help you achieve a level of personal conduct and standards of behavior that is consistent with the expectations of instructors across the country.
Who this applies to: All PSIA-AASI members, member schools, and volunteers, including PSIA-AASI’s regional and national board members and officers.
When this applies: At all times when you are in a position to affect PSIA-AASI’s standing within the snowsports industry or with the general public.
- You shall not misrepresent yourself in any way to the organization, for instance, your professional status, competence, or experience.
- You shall conduct yourself in a manner that is consistent with practicing safety, risk awareness, professionalism, a high standard of integrity, self-control, and responsible behavior.
- You shall comply with all applicable rules and policies of your region and the association, including but not limited to its bylaws and conflict of interest policy.
- You shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence your professional decisions or actions.
- You shall not provide compensated instruction without the advance written consent and acknowledgment of the Snowsports School of the Resort at which you are providing instruction.
- You shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
- You shall not engage in illegal conduct.
- You shall not engage in harassment of any kind against a resort guest, resort employee, a member of the general public, PSIA-AASI association employees, volunteers, contractors, or another member.
- You shall not discriminate against any member or any other person on account of race, religion, age, creed, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or nationality.
- You shall not conduct yourself in a manner which would bring discredit to the association or any region.
- You shall not abuse any privilege that may be extended as a result of your membership from industry partners, such as equipment manufacturers, distributors, retailers, resorts, or other professional groups.
- You shall not allow the use of your name or likeness in such manner as to misrepresent or otherwise mislead the public concerning any given product or service.
If a member deviates from the Code of Conduct they may face disciplinary action, including the loss of credentials and membership. For questions or reporting please contact Member Services at