PSIA Professional Skier Magazine 2008

The Journal of Professional Snowsports Instruction

32 Degrees (formerly The Professional Skier and The Professional Snowboarder) is a print magazine crafted to support ongoing snowsports instructor education; read it to become a better teacher and a better skier or rider. Read it to get stoked and inspired. Share your copy around the locker room. Steal great ideas from experienced instructors and incorporate them into your next lesson.

Instructors, trainers, snowsports school directors, and National Team members from across the country and representing all disciplines write about real-world scenarios and the practical applications of your professional instructor training. Gain insights, add to your bag of tricks, and learn about new and innovative programs happening across the country.


Get insight on engaging your core to improve performance; learn more about our new CEO Jeff Lifgren’s passion for snowsports; take a look back at Rider Rally through the years; and discover how to prepare for, prevent, and properly react to injuries.


Dive into advice for teaching return students, learn the “Active Art of Ski Instruction” to keep yourself from stagnating, get tips on how to positively navigate cell phone usage on the slopes, and enjoy an exclusive interview with internationally ranked pro skier Ingrid Backstrom.

FALL 2024

Meet the 2024-28 PSIA-AAS National Team, explore Parenting, Teaching, an Snowsports Instruction, Learn “How to Get Off the Learning Plateau” to help advance your career, Look ahead to Winter 2024-25, and educate yourself about safety on the slopes.



Learn what makes a good examiner, improve your teaching efficacy with inspiration, as well as creativity, explore how a sense of community enriches the snowsports journey for all, and master the art of fulfilling students’ hopes and dreams.



Dive into “How to Use Technical Fundamentals in Actual Lessons,” read about the importance of small ski hills and the stoke they bring, up your snack game with “The Science of Snacking” and “Top 10 Snacks for the Hill,” and learn how to hone your XC movement analysis skills.


FALL 2023

Learn to make good decisions, explore the importance of community on and off the snow, get guidance on new hire training, master the fundamentals of Tele turns, and use insights from Interski to transform your teaching.



PSIA-AASI leader share their thoughts on why representation matters, read about “The Arc of Interski: How International Events Improve YOUR Member Experience,” and Learn how to “Be a Snow Coach AND Life Coach.”



Master the fundamentals: put pressure and tilt to the test, read “A Soldier’s Story: How Teaching Helps Combat Vet David Binford Heal, learn 10 points for safer slopes, and learn “How to Control Edge Angles in Off-Piste Terrain.”


FALL 2022

Play with pressure to conquer variable terrain, explore “Your Road Map to Success” to help you in your certification journey, learn about certification events for women of color, and use rollerskis to boost your dryland training.



Jump into a different view of your certification path, how to get expert advice and takeaways, learn how to “Summon Your Inner Hero to Move Past Disappointment,”, and get advice on “How to Create a More Welcoming Snowsports Culture.”



Get insights on more effective Cross Country coaching, “Help Students with Autism Read Facial Cues” to improve your lessons, learn “How Your Joints Drive Power and Precision” in snowboarding, and “Closing the Snowsports Gender Gap.”

Back Issues

Looking for a specific issue or article farther back? Contact us and we can try to find it for you.

32 Degrees Submission Guidelines

If you’ve already written an article about snowsports, teaching, or learning, you can submit your article to be considered for publication in 32 Degrees. Your article MUST be submitted using the form linked below. Article submissions will not be accepted by email.

Your article will be reviewed by subject-matter experts for relevance and technical accuracy. If your article passes this review process, and the PSIA-AASI editorial team decides it’s a good fit for 32 Degrees, your article will undergo a thorough collaborative editing process.

Please consider the following BEFORE submitting your article:

  • What is timely, engaging, or new about this article?
  • What will instructors learn from reading your article?
  • Is your article less than 1,000 words? Your article will NOT be considered if it’s longer than 1,000 words. (If we feel the article warrants expansion, we’ll address that in the editing process.)
  • Have you read your article out loud to yourself two or three times to get a feel for how it flows? Did you double-check for typos and grammatical errors?
  • Do you have photos, diagrams, or other visual elements to include? Your article will benefit from visual elements – and they have to be high-resolution for print use. Learn more about how to submit images.
  • Review deadlines.
  • Review compensation.
  • Has this been published already somewhere else? If so, please disclose this and make sure you have permission for it to be re-printed.

Please note: Submitting your article does not guarantee its publication. The 32 Degrees editorial team focuses on content that is timely, accurate, informative, and engaging. It’s a competitive submission process. Final publication status hinges on the editorial team’s assessment of reviewer recommendations and editorial needs.

You may pitch an idea to the 32 Degrees editorial team before you write anything. Please describe your topic, why it’s relevant to instructors, and what readers will learn from your article. Let us know what your instructing/teaching credentials are. If the editorial team gives you the thumbs up to write an article, you’ll be given a maximum word count and deadline for uploading the article and images through the article submission form. After you submit your article, it will be assessed and, if accepted for publication, edited.

Approval of your pitch doesn’t guarantee publication of the resulting article. Your article still goes through the article review process.

Submit photos or images when you send in your article or idea for an article.

  • Photos must be shot at high resolution (300 dpi at a size of at least 4 x 6 inches). Your file size should be a minimum of 1MB and saved in JPEG, TIF, or RAW format without compression.
  • Photos taken on a smart phone typically work if the file size is not compressed.
  • Add captions for photos and/or include placement callouts in the article text, as needed. Provide the name and contact information for the photographer (if not yourself) as well as the names of the subjects whenever possible.
  • Photos should be crisp, with proper brightness and contrast and the subject prominent in the frame.
  • The form for submitting articles asks you if you also have a related video. If you have video, check the box.
  • Screen grabs from videos only work if the video is shot in high-enough definition. Modern GoPros and professional cameras usually work; cell phone video usually does not.

Fall Issue: May 15
Winter Issue: July 15
Spring Issue: September 15

PSIA-AASI only pays for articles it assigns to authors. Publishing in 32 Degrees puts your name in front of your peers, helps you build up your writing portfolio, establishes you as an expert in your field, and lets you share ideas and helpful teaching strategies with colleagues. Unsolicited submissions are welcomed, and authors/photographers will receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their work is published, but no monetary compensation.