The Journal of Professional Snowsports Instruction
32 Degrees (formerly The Professional Skier and The Professional Snowboarder) is a print magazine crafted to support ongoing snowsports instructor education; read it to become a better teacher and a better skier or rider. Read it to get stoked and inspired. Share your copy around the locker room. Steal great ideas from experienced instructors and incorporate them into your next lesson.
Instructors, trainers, snowsports school directors, and National Team members from across the country and representing all disciplines write about real-world scenarios and the practical applications of your professional instructor training. Gain insights, add to your bag of tricks, and learn about new and innovative programs happening across the country.
Dive into advice for teaching return students, learn the “Active Art of Ski Instruction” to keep yourself from stagnating, get tips on how to positively navigate cell phone usage on the slopes, and enjoy an exclusive interview with internationally ranked pro skier Ingrid Backstrom.
FALL 2024
Meet the 2024-28 PSIA-AAS National Team, explore Parenting, Teaching, an Snowsports Instruction, Learn “How to Get Off the Learning Plateau” to help advance your career, Look ahead to Winter 2024-25, and educate yourself about safety on the slopes.
Learn what makes a good examiner, improve your teaching efficacy with inspiration, as well as creativity, explore how a sense of community enriches the snowsports journey for all, and master the art of fulfilling students’ hopes and dreams.
Dive into “How to Use Technical Fundamentals in Actual Lessons,” read about the importance of small ski hills and the stoke they bring, up your snack game with “The Science of Snacking” and “Top 10 Snacks for the Hill,” and learn how to hone your XC movement analysis skills.
FALL 2023
Learn to make good decisions, explore the importance of community on and off the snow, get guidance on new hire training, master the fundamentals of Tele turns, and use insights from Interski to transform your teaching.
PSIA-AASI leader share their thoughts on why representation matters, read about “The Arc of Interski: How International Events Improve YOUR Member Experience,” and Learn how to “Be a Snow Coach AND Life Coach.”
Master the fundamentals: put pressure and tilt to the test, read “A Soldier’s Story: How Teaching Helps Combat Vet David Binford Heal, learn 10 points for safer slopes, and learn “How to Control Edge Angles in Off-Piste Terrain.”
FALL 2022
Play with pressure to conquer variable terrain, explore “Your Road Map to Success” to help you in your certification journey, learn about certification events for women of color, and use rollerskis to boost your dryland training.
Jump into a different view of your certification path, how to get expert advice and takeaways, learn how to “Summon Your Inner Hero to Move Past Disappointment,”, and get advice on “How to Create a More Welcoming Snowsports Culture.”
Get insights on more effective Cross Country coaching, “Help Students with Autism Read Facial Cues” to improve your lessons, learn “How Your Joints Drive Power and Precision” in snowboarding, and “Closing the Snowsports Gender Gap.”
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