Watch these videos and hear from Level I, II and III PSIA-AASI instructors on how they earned their certification and what it means to them.
How to Become a Certified Instructor
If you’re looking for a way to turn your love of skiing and snowboarding into a legit career or to become a better teacher, pursuing PSIA-AASI certification is for you. Certifications are badges of honor that symbolize your credibility and expertise. PSIA-AASI’s certification standards mean that no matter where you come from, you’ll teach to the same standards as thousands of PSIA-AASI members across the country.
PSIA-AASI’s certification process helps you:
- Become a better teacher
- Improve your skiing and riding
- Learn skills for moderating groups, public speaking, problem solving, and coaching
- Adaptive
- Alpine
- Cross Country
- Snowboard
- Telemark
Join to access education resources and training opportunities.
Take the Level I e-learning course or complete the online workbook for your discipline.
Use the Events Calendar to find an assessment near you.
Attend trainings through PSIA-AASI or your ski and ride school.
Practice, practice, practice, on your own or with training buddies.
Share your success on social (#snowpros and @thesnowpros) and maybe even set your sights on Level II.
You'll need to continue to earn CEUs to maintain your certification.
Once You’re Certified, Maintain Your CEUs
If you’re a certified member – a PSIA-AASI member who is certified in adaptive, alpine, cross country, snowboard, or telemark – you need to obtain at least six (6) Continuing Education Units (CEU's) every membership year. A membership year starts July 1 and ends June 30 (example: July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022). You can pick up CEUs by attending education events like clinics and trainings. Check the Events Calendar to find an event near you.