PSIA-AASI National Team Training kicked off the season at Arapahoe Basin, Colorado, this week, with fresh snow, a brand-new team, and anticipation for hosting the snowsports teaching world at Interski 2027, the international ski instructors congress, in Vail in less than three years.
“The energy here is just incredible right now,” former AASI Snowboard Team member, former PSIA-AASI Board Chair, and current Interski President Eric Sheckleton said of the on-snow experience at A-Basin this week. “The excitement of this week has just been contagious. The team is so excited to be working together on initiatives that benefit all snowsports instructors, to be preparing to host Interski, and to really be able to positively impact the experience of members of the largest snowsports instruction association in the world.”
Chosen last spring after an extensive tryout process that culminated in Big Sky, Montana, the 2024-28 National Team has some big boots to fill. Along with hosting the world at Interski 2027, the team is also putting the finishing touches on the Learning ConnectionSM model – a breakthrough teaching concept that along with grounded, real-time decision making, connects teaching, technical, and people skills – while also working to ensure strategic alignment in the association’s certification process across the country in the next two years.
“It’s good pressure,” Sheckleton said. “Because it just shows how the U.S. Team is custom-built to work and perform at such a high level.”
PSIA Alpine Team Technical Coach Michael Rogan said the team building aspect of the event was accelerated by the pre-selection process that ensured selectors were nominating collaborative professionals who could work toward common goals.
“This team has come together quickly because they all have experience working together on task forces, committees, and group assessor trainings,” Rogan said. “These are professionals who have considerable emotional intelligence and like to work hard and like to work together. Frankly, you don’t get to this level without being a good individual.”
AASI Snowboard Team Technical Coach Eric Rolls concurred, saying the selection process focused on selecting instructors who could thrive in a team environment. But as pre-prep for team training, the snowboarders also got together for some Topgolf bonding, as well as figuring out how to decipher escape rooms.
“We hit the ground running,” Rolls said. “We picked a team based on the full spectrum of skills everyone offered and have really pushed ourselves on getting to know each other better – especially in regard to our communication styles and what we each think matters the most for our members.”
While the team skied and rode with many of PSIA-AASI’s official suppliers today, and also welcomed team alumni and local instructors this evening, this week marks an invaluable first step during which the 2024-28 National Team will help lead the association in the next four seasons, and also into the future.
“It’s been a really good vibe this week,” said PSIA-AASI Director of Education and Credentialing Dave Schuiling. “The new team features a great mix of veterans and also new rising stars who will certainly provide their share of positive energy and new ideas. It’s the fastest formation of team building I’ve seen in the time I’ve been here.”
“If you’re a PSIA-AASI member, this is a team that’s going to support the association’s mission and serve as a think tank for all members and as a resource for all member suppliers,” said PSIA-AASI National Team Head Coach Jeb Boyd. “They are ready to support the profession with integrity, value, and credibility, and we’re excited to see where we go from here.”