We want to thank our Western Discipline Task Forces!  They play a very important role for PSIA-AASI W.  A Task Force Chair leads the Discipline Task Force, with the goal of continuous improvement in that Discipline’s processes and procedures to maintain a quality program of Instructor Certification and Education Staff Qualification while working with the National PSIA-AASI Organization to maintain the National Standards for each Discipline.  

There are currently nine (9) Operational Task Forces made up of volunteer members of PSIA-AASI W.  They are:

  • Alpine
  • Snowboard
  • Cross-Country
  • Telemark
  • Adaptive
  • Freestyle
  • Senior
  • Children
  • Member School

Job Requirements:

Chairpersons for Operational Task Forces shall have the minimum qualifications and qualities:   


  • Must be a Certified Level III Instructor in their respective discipline 
  • Must be an active member of the Western Education Team
  • Should have previously sat on the task force as a member


  • Effective leadership skills.
  • Understand and commit to the organization’s mission & values, including the organization’s commitment to consistency throughout the United States under the guidance of ASEA. 
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills. 
  • Ability to act and make decisions with impartiality and fairness. 
  • Commitment to confidentiality
  • Effective time management skills

Chairperson Volunteer Job Description: The chairperson will be expected to successfully facilitate and lead the task force to ensure it operates as a team, drawing on the skills and talents of each member, and working toward common goals that will ensure the organization’s success.  The Discipline task force chairperson will be responsible for the following duties: 

  • Assist the Education Director with the coordination, development, and implementation of the task force activities on behalf of PSIA-AASI Western Division. 
  • Submission of all task force policy and procedure recommendations to the PSIA-AASI Western Division Education Director (ED) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for approval.
  • Chairperson may authorize the formation of sub-task forces from non-task force members to help facilitate the implementation of task force activity as long as it falls within the discipline’s initiatives set forth by the Education Director
  • Represent the PSIA-AASI Western Division at the PSIA-AASI National Work Sessions as appointed and approved by the Western Education Director.
  • Assist the Education Director in the communication and training of the Discipline Education Teams.
  • Attendance at prescribed meetings. 
  • Assist the Education Director and Event Manager on the development of the yearly calendar of events
  • Assist the Education Director with keeping the Education Staff Examining Levels Spreadsheet up to date.
  • Work closely with the Education Director to submit education and program proposals for the annual discipline budget.
  • Assist the Education Director in coordinating and facilitating task force task meetings, including developing the agenda of each meeting.

Chairperson Seat Review:  The volunteer Discipline Task Force Chairperson will receive an annual review in April of each year before the new task force chair is appointed.  The review will be conducted by the Education Director.

Time Commitment Required 

The term of office for Task Force Chairperson generally requires a commitment of 3-5 hours per week.

Standing Task Force Members are  volunteer positions

  1. The chairperson may appoint or accept other volunteers to work on the task force.
  2. Taskforce action (voting) may be taken only upon the presence of a quorum of the members. A quorum shall be the majority of the task force members who attend a meeting, whether in person or via telecom.
  3. The task force’s role is to conduct the deliberative aspect of any issues or propositions that are submitted to the task force for consideration by the CEO and/or ED and any issue or proposition originating within the task force itself.
  4. Upon deliberative action on any issue or proposition, whether assigned or originating within the task force, a member of the task force with the Chairperson’s approval shall provide a report to the CEO and ED with any one or more of the following:
    1. A report of considerations taken by the task force and a recommendation to adopt or reject, in whole or in part, the issue or proposition;
    2. Additional recommendations that modify the original issue or proposition;
    3. Any minority position written report stating views contrary to the task force’s recommendation, prepared by those holding a minority position.


Currently, the Chairpersons of the Alpine, Snowboard, Cross-Country, Telemark, Adaptive, Freestyle, Senior, Children and Member School Task Forces are volunteers.