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Increase Your Revenue By Growing Your Clientele
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Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm PT
There is a direct relationship between your ability to connect with people and your ability to be more successful and grow your business. In this webinar we will explore effective ways to establish a business relationship with clients and leverage your abilities to increase your request hours, your conversion rate and your gratuities. We will explore the science behind the ability to build rapport with people and discover how to work with the most useful business-oriented soft skills that will help you connect with your clients and build a long-lasting relationship.
There is a method to building relationships. We think that liking someone is just a matter of luck and meeting the right person when in reality we can apply scientific findings and build rapport with people easier, faster and more efficiently. In this webinar we will explore and practice new skills that will help us connect with people in order to build long lasting business relationships with clients.
This webinar is an all disciplines event and open to members of any division.
Space is limited, register early to reserve your spot.
Registration Cost: $20
CEUs- 1
[av_button label=’REGISTER ‘ link=’manually,https://psia-w.org/home/events/event-calendar/?cal-month=2&cal-year=2021&event-types=5&divisions=10&event=2287#psia-calendar’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’center’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-kk5ve66q’ admin_preview_bg=”]
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Adriana Lahos is a certified ski and snowboard instructor with 20 years in the industry and an avid traveler that has lived in many resort towns around the world. She has been a PSIA- AASI Member for over a decade with the Rocky Mountain Division. With a formal education in Economics she has made a career in sales and marketing consulting within the luxury industry in areas as varied as fine art, fashion and travel. In 2017 she co-founded a consultancy startup focusing its work in the ski industry, the cannabis industry and niches in the luxury industry. With two years in the making, in 2019, MINDSETCO finally launched the first in the world ski and snowboard instructor Business Skill Development program. This innovative educational program covers topics such as Sales for those who hate selling, Personal Branding for instructors and Client Delight vs. Customer Service.
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