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Message from the Education Foundation Scholarship Committee

Due to the constant challenges we face this season with events being scheduled, postponed or even cancelled, the Education Foundation Board and the Scholarship Committee have made modifications regarding Scholarship Applications. It is our hope these changes will benefit those of you seeking Certification and advancing your education.

  1. The Application Deadline is now March 1st. All applications must be complete and submitted to the Administration no later than 5pm March 1, 2021.
  2. Scholarships are available for both Education and Certification events with special consideration for those seeking Certifications.
  3. Members who received an award last season which were carried over to this season due to Covid, are eligible to carry over their scholarships to next season.
  4. Members who received an award last season that want to use their scholarship this season need to submit an Application form with the words “Carry Over” next to your name. You do not need to provide the other supporting materials.
  5. Scholarships awarded this season may be carried over to next season should circumstances arise that would prevent you from attending such as the event being cancelled or changed so that you are unable to attend.
  6. Members who have attended an event this season may apply to seek reimbursement. 

EF Board member John Armstrong sums up with the following: “We know that it is weird and tough out there, we are still here, we remain focused on our mission and we will be there to help when events and Certifications happen again.”

The Education Foundation sends its best to all of you. Stay safe and have fun.

-Blaine Lomen, Dave Sutherland, John Armstrong, Julie Brown and Jaime Marso-Tanner

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[av_buttonrow_item label=’SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ‘ link=’manually,https://psia-w.org/home/psiaaasi-education-foundation/scholarship-application/’ link_target=” size=’large’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’4′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’]
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Half Page test

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