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Happy Holidays from the Ed Foundation
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We are just beginning one of the most challenging seasons our industry has ever faced. It is the job of you, our members, to deliver memorable outdoor recreation experiences under the most unusual and difficult of circumstances and our members need you!
We have allocated $15,380 in scholarships to our members, more than double the previous season, and provided $7,500 in support of Premier and Education Staff Events.
We are also proud to sponsor our Demonstration Team candidates for National Team Tryouts.
We have placed an emphasis on professional equity, specifying equal numbers of men and women in Multiple Certification and Level 2 & 3 Scholarships.
This year, more than ever, our members depend on support from the Education Foundation and you, our valued donors to help them through these challenging times.
Your support is critical. Our emphasis this season is on helping our members with certification scholarships, as so many missed spring exams when resorts closed due to Covid-19.
Certification achievement equals increased earning potential for our members.
We are optimistic exams will happen, and we are encouraging members to apply early.
Please consider a donation TODAY. Thanks to you, we can continue our efforts to empower and educate our PSIA-AASI W members. Your gift will help fund upcoming projects, events and educational opportunities. And thanks to provisions in the 2020 CARES Act, which suspends limits on charitable contributions, your gift may be tax deductible even if you don’t itemize. Please consult your tax professional for guidance. The Foundation is a 501 (C) (3) Organization in good standing, Federal ID # 77-0381837.
DONATE TODAY A gift of just $5.00 from every member would provide over 70 scholarships for certification and education events.
You can also contact the PSIA-AASI W Office at (530) 587-7642 or mail a donation to Post Office Box 969, Truckee, CA 96160.
With sincere appreciation for your continued support, we wish you and yours a very happy holiday season.
Stay safe!
-Blaine Lomen, Dave Sutherland, John Armstrong, Julie Brown and Jaime Marso-Tanner
The PSIA-AASI Western Education Foundation Board of Directors
P.S. Your gift this year means so much to our members. Thank you.
[av_button label=’Donate Today’ link=’manually,https://psia-w.org/home/psiaaasi-education-foundation/donate-to-the-education-foundation/’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’small’ position=’center’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-kj1125gi’ admin_preview_bg=”]