PSIA Alpine Team Coach Michael Rogan’s mantra is to check in with everyone throughout the day.
Here are Michael’s top tips for teaching a family lesson:
- Set expectations and keep adjusting them. Some families can surprise you about what is possible, for the better or worse.
- Check in with everyone.
- Be ready to move all day long. You have to manage a family lesson but you have to also BE WITH and help every individual.
- Check in with everyone.
- It is ok to have splits and have family members working on the same thing in different ways, or different things the same way.
- Check in with everyone.
- Give assignments and let family members do independent study. You don’t have to stay together the whole time.
- Check in with everyone.
- Have short ‘private’ lessons with everyone — a little attention goes a long way.
- Check in with everyone.
Read AASI Snowboard Team member Amy Gan’s tips for teaching group family lessons.