More than half a year after the premature shutdown of the 2019-20 season and the ensuing uncertainty about everything, we are absolutely thrilled to announce the PSIA-AASI Western Division Calendar of events for the 2020-21 season.
Unfortunately, enough uncertainty remains that we have to say most everything is tentative. (The exceptions are our online learning options, webinars, and custom events scheduled at the request of or with the approval of individual ski or ride school directors.) In order to deal with this uncertainty, we’re using a Red/Green system in the calendar. The first column for each event on the calendar will be shaded Red or Green. It’s going to work like this:
As we enter the new season, we will respect the resorts’ situations and allow them time to figure things out. Most events are starting at and will remain at the Red stage until we have confirmation from resorts that they are ready and able to host our events while complying with local, county and state regulations. At that time, the event will move to Green and registration for it will open.
As resorts begin to open and operate safely and understand their level of restrictions, we will open registration to our calendar events based on what works for the resorts.
Initially, only online and cross-country events are in the Green stage. We expect Custom events, requested by individual snowsports schools and limited to their employees, and perhaps some Western Pop-Up Events (See below.) will be the events most likely next to go Green. (Details about requesting a Custom event can be found here –
Whether an event will actually happen will depend on up-to-date information and readiness, our ability to mitigate the risk of resurgence, and to protect all involved. Events will go Green and open for registration only in accord with state and county directives and resort approvals. The idea of the Red/Green stages is to allow all of us–the resorts, our ed staff, trainers and examiners, and you members who participate in the education events–to plan with as much certainty as is possible now and through the season.
New this season will be Western Pop-Up Events which we hope will add something a little exciting and unexpected to the season. These events—announced with shorter notice than our annual calendar of events—might be training or educational events. They might be social events. They might be in a “classroom” or maybe online or they might be on snow. Follow our social pages (Facebook and Instagram) and make sure you move our PSIA-AASI emails into your primary inbox so you don’t risk missing the announcement of our Pop-Up events this season.
So with all that, here’s the Calendar. Check it often. It’s going to change. We’re hoping most, if not all, events at some point go Green. (We are not sure how things are going to go but we expect that some events may have fewer spaces this year than in the past. We’d encourage you to check the Calendar often and to sign up early to avoid being left out of a desired event.)
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