PSIA-AASI’s COVID-19 Snowsports Education Resources 

Safety, fun, and learning make up the core tenets of PSIA-AASI’s vision to “Create Lifelong Adventures Through Education.” Delivering on this critical foundation for successful lessons is more important than ever as we work together to maintain a low-risk learning environment for ourselves, our guests, and our colleagues – so everyone can enjoy their snowsports season this winter.

The newly published Navigating the 2020-21 Snowsports Season is a comprehensive document reaffirming our commitment to snowsports education during COVID-19.

“By following best practices and taking necessary precautions for healthy interactions, our guests and instructors can continue to focus on growth and development,” said PSIA-AASI Chief Executive Officer Nicholas Herrin. “We hope that, as an educator you’ll use the document as a tool to help you deliver safe, and fun, lesson experiences in the time of COVID-19.”

The document includes:

  • Considerations for instructors to foster conversations around executing practical and successful lessons.
  • How to incorporate – and adapt when necessary – the Learning Connection model and Teaching/Learning Cycle to align with best health and safety practices.
  • The importance of People Skills in welcoming guests, introducing yourself, assessing students, and planning experiences.
  • How you can adapt Teaching Skills to minimize risk.
  • Snowsports school considerations such as lesson products, group size, and instructor training.
  • And a list of additional training resources for every discipline.

You can read Navigating the 2020-21 Snowsports Season or download the PDF and print copies to keep with you. You can also learn more about PSIA-AASI’s response on their COVID-19 updates page.

National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) Operational Best Practices

An NSAA advisory group of ski industry leaders developed this website resource, and the Ski Well, Be Well operational best practices based on scientific guidelines from experts. These practices can be adapted to each ski area’s unique operation, and can be scaled according to the appropriate local COVID-19 response.

National Ski Areas Association’s “Ski Well, Be Well” Website