FISCAL YEAR July 1, 2019- June 30, 2020
PSIA-AASI Western Education Foundation
Our Mission is to provide educational opportunities for PSIA-AASI Western instructors looking to enhance their personal growth and further their careers in snowsports instruction. We help 3500+ members that serve at ski areas in California and Nevada
Education Events Sponsorships
Professional Development Day, Fall Rally, Big Mountain Experience, NorCal Rally, SoCal Rally and Convention (canceled). The support for Convention went towards a webinar.
Scholarship Awards
Our donors continue to be very generous increasing donations by 75% compared to the 2018/19 season. This allowed the Foundation to increase the number of scholarships and member support by over 100% from the prior year. We were also able to increase the dollar amount of scholarships awarded by 70%. Any scholarships awarded but could not be attended because of the cancellation of events will be honored in the 20/21 season.
Additional Grant
The Foundation was proud to sponsor our division’s Alpine and Snowboard National Team candidates for the National Teams’ tryouts. Unfortunately, they have been postponed until 2020/21 but we will still be there for them.
Website Upgrade
We increased the content on the Education Foundation’s website to include a Donors and Scholarships Recipients tabs recognizing our generous donors as well as the members awarded scholarships of past and present. We also added two new donor categories because of wonderful donors!
History of the Foundation
The PSIA-W Education Foundation was incorporated in 1993 and accepted as a 501 (c)(3) by the IRS in 1995. The early organizing committee included Greg Felsch, Blaine Lomen and Katherine Hayes Rodriguez. The Foundation continues today to support the mission of PSIA-AASI West by funding education projects and supporting development of individual members through scholarships. The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization in good standing, Federal ID # 77-0381837.
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For the 2020-21 Season
The Foundation will be supervised by the Education Foundation Board of Directors:
Blaine Lomen, President
Julie Brown, Vice Presiden
Dave Sutherland, Secretary
John Armstrong, Treasurer
Jaime Marso-Tanner, Member at Large
[pdf-embedder url=”/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Edu_Annual_Report_2020_compressed.pdf”]