Catch up with members of the PSIA-AASI National Team, and candidates invited to the 2021 Team Selection, as they discuss how they are staying in shape this summer, making goals for next winter, and creating new education resources for the association.

This week we catch up with PSIA Alpine Team member Jennifer Simpson Weier.

How are you staying busy?

I’m staying busy working in the ER, and trying to find simple pleasures close to home. I filled my past summers with travel and trips, but this summer I’m keeping it simple. It reminds me of how I spent summers as a kid.

What is your go-to offseason workout?

I used to rely on my gym for programming, but now I’m doing my own workouts. It’s not super creative, but I like to think I have been entertaining my neighbors while lifting, etc… in my driveway. Plus, I’ve been spending a little time on the bike.

Big goals for next season?

My number one goal is to get maximum enjoyment out of the season and whatever it may hold.  The early end to last season made me realize just how special it is to spend time on snow and with friends.

Which digital resource would you recommend for other members?

For folks who are looking for something to do, dig into Fitness for Skiing and Snowboarding. It has some great warm-ups and exercises (with video links) to pepper into your routine, and it provides 12 weeks of programming.

Favorite ski movie?

Here are a few favorites, in no particular order: Streif — One Hell of a Ride; The Maltese Flamingo; Aspen Extreme.

What educational initiative or taskforce project are you working on right now?

I’ve been working with the People Skills work group, pumping out the Performance Guide, and now moving on to training for the roll out of People Skills in the Certification Standards next season.