The Western Division’s Education Foundation knows these are challenging times, but, as the saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” That’s just what the Education Foundation Board has been doing.  So here is some good news for the Western Division’s membership.

The Education Foundation had its best year ever in donations for 2019/20.  Donations have increased 700% since 2015/16 to $20,626.50.  You, the membership, have really stepped it up this past season, so thank you.  The foundation also received one of its largest donations ever, $5000 from member Anne Marie Bruner, an active instructor for Alpine Meadows for 46 years.  Anne Marie also gave $10,000 several years ago. She and her husband, Jack Bruner, have always been generous, and they go above and beyond whenever they can.  We have created two new donor categories on our website because of our generous donors, Black Diamond ($2500 – $4900) and Double Black Diamond ($5000+). To see all of our generous donors this last season and years past please visit our website

In turn, the Education Foundation Board plans to provide $26,900 in financial support for its members for education.  This is the most in the history of PSIA-AASI W.  The foundation will also be carrying over money set aside for scholarships that were not used last season due to the cancellation of events.  In all, if everything goes as planned this coming season, close to $39,000 will be spent to provide education opportunities for PSIA-AASI instructors looking to enhance their personal growth and further their careers in snowsports.

Here is a little teaser as to what the foundation will be spending money on this coming winter:

  • $3000 – Multiple Certification Scholarships:  Twenty members who attempt a second or third discipline certification (Level 2 or 3), will receive $150 towards one module.
  • $6000 – Level 2 and 3 Certification Scholarships: Forty members who attempt Level 2 or 3 in a discipline will receive $150 towards one module.  The scholarships will be divided as follows: 18 Alpine, 18 Snowboard, and four more divided between Nordic and Adaptive.
  • $1500 – National Academy Scholarships in the name of Miriam and Mike Sodergren: two members will each receive $750.

The Education Foundation will also be giving financial support for the training of our Education Staff and will be helping support two of our major education events.  We’re also looking to put on a two or three day clinic for the western slope resorts.  These are just a few of the ways the Education Foundation will support the membership and division in the coming season.

All in all, we aren’t just hoping for a good winter, we are planning on it.  So if you are interested, when the event calendar comes out, fill out your scholarship application with all the required information and get it into the office so the Scholarship Committee can review it.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.  Stay safe, be well, and keep in shape. It’s the best way to prepare to enjoy a winter of sliding down the mountain.

~The PSIA-AASI Western Education Foundation

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