PSIA-AASI has honored Dee Byrne, a former PSIA Alpine Team member and current vice president of skier services at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, with the Distinguished Service Award.
This award recognizes those who’ve made important contributions to the success of the association. In addition to demonstrating positive leadership skills, fostering connections with and between members, and mentoring peers, Dee has displayed long-term commitment and dedication to the association and its education initiatives.
She joins a list of both members and industry partners who have received this award.
See a list of past Distinguished Service Award recipients.
Listen to this First Chair Podcast that features Dee discussing the meaning of this award.
One of the individuals who nominated Dee, PSIA-AASI Rocky Mountain CEO Dana Forbes said, “Dee is the example we should all strive to be. As a leader who has dedicated her life to education and this industry she still takes the time to grow and influence future leaders.”
Forbes added of Dee, “She is humble and has a drive for excellence that has impacted this industry in a multitude of ways.”
Dee said of receiving the award, “To be recognized for distinguished service validates my efforts as having made a difference in our profession. For this, I am extremely grateful.”
Dee first joined PSIA-AASI at the age of 15 and said the association has been a cornerstone of her life. “Involvement in the association has provided me a path for learning and community within which I have formed lifelong relationships,” she said. “Throughout my tenure, I have been involved in numerous projects, committees and taskforces, teams, and associations on the divisional and national level.”
Currently, Dee values being part of the Nancy Oakes Hall Scholarship committee, “Through Nancy’s generosity, I believe we are making a remarkable difference to enable women to pursue professional development opportunities in PSIA-AASI. I am confident this effort will lead to seeing more women in higher ranks in the association down the road.”
Read more about PSIA-AASI’s Awards and Recognition Program, and how you can nominate fellow members.