The great thing about passion is that it’s infectious. Knowing your “why” will help you stay committed to your dream and help others get on board, too.

  • I became a PSIA member in 2009 so I could gain the confidence of my students and respect within the industry as a certified teacher   – Laurie Johnson
  • I actually joined  PSIA in 1984 as my ski school director was an examiner and wanted the ski school members to join – Ellen Johnson
  • It is a place to belong as an instructor – Steve Ikeda
  • I was convinced that I would better myself if I joined and pursue certification by Bob Everson at Tahoe Ski Bowl.  – Tom Waters
  • There was a group, led by Randy Bell at the time, with people who were discussing skiing on Tuesday evenings in Reno. I joined them to see what this was like. I liked it. – Nathalie Le Galloudec
  • Because Libbie has been such a strong proponent of PSIA and their education events, it was a no brainer for me to join. – Richard Sheldon
  • To attend events out of my ski area with clinicians and to broaden my capabilities. – Jim Rogers
  • Being with guests who wish to learn something we all cherish and drive to be great at.   – Ronnie Schoff
  • I was inspired by trainers at the ski area – Glen Smith
  • I joined with the help of Ernie Gray, Babbete Haueisen and Gorg Deutsche. I was in awe of the many examiners and very talented instructors including Mike Porter on staff at that time. Needless to say, I wanted to be a member of this, (club), organization. – Lamar Parker
  • I joined PSIA to become a better teacher and a better skier and to really understand what great skiing is. – Suzie Benge
  • My certification journey and participation in continuing education over the past 23 years leaves me a loyal supporter of our organization.  – Susan Meckel
  • Skiing was and is my ‘retreat’ from daily stresses and responsibilities, and a way to recapture those carefree ‘giggly’ teenage years I never had due to time, cultural, and societal factors over which I had no control.   – Hiro Oishi
  • Discovered that I enjoyed teaching even more than I enjoyed being on snow.  – Bob Kelley
  • Supporting one’s professional group is critical to one’s success. – Sue Spain
  • I’ve always loved getting people into skiing and helping them to progress. – Mark Johnson
  • 10 years later I still enjoy teaching at SkyTavern because of the friendly atmosphere and the sense of family there  – Ken Kelley

“He who has a why can endure any how.” — Frederick Nietzsche