The Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship empowers distinguished women in snowsports education by providing opportunities to engage with peers and advance their professional development.

Founded by and named in honor of Nancy Oakes Hall, a former PSIA Alpine Team member and Aspen/Sun Valley instructor who lost a long battle with cancer in April 2018, the program awards three separate scholarships each year to female members of PSIA-AASI who wish to pursue continuing education and growth opportunities in the snowsports industry.

Here, recent scholarship recipients share how they plan to “Pay it forward,” to create more opportunities for other women in snowsports.

“I am going to push for more girls clinics and fun adventures (tele treks) at my area and division. Being on the Development Team gives me the opportunity to meet and tele with new folks all over the East Coast. I am looking forward to sharing advice, teaching tips and lots of laughs with skiers of all ages in the years to come.” – Adele Wellman, Eastern Division, Alpine III, Telemark III, Children’s Specialist One, Snowboard I

“I come from a little snow ‘bump’ hill 35 minutes south of Boston, Massachusetts called Blue Hills, and it is nothing compared to Stratton Mountain, Jay Peak, Sunday River, or Mount Snow. Very few people have heard of AASI where I am from. As I now have my Level I AASI pin that I can wear proudly, I look forward to informing my friends about what this organization does and encouraging them to join. The organization provides vast resources, opportunities, and networks.” – Karen Mai, Eastern Division, Blue Hills Learning Center, Snowboard Level I

“We are in the initial stages of creating a Northwest Women’s event that will nurture the growth and development of female instructors within our division.  And I will be teaming up with a fellow NW NOH Scholarship recipient to co-author an article on our experiences to share in our fall newsletter. Of course, I plan to pass along the lessons learned through divisional clinics, trainings, articles and social media posts.” – Jennifer Lockwood, PSIA-NW Technical Team Member, Alpine Level III, Children’s Specialist 2, Freestyle 1.

“I plan to pay this opportunity forward by working as hard as I can on and off snow to become an examiner in the RM division. We do not have many female examiners. Often, people are encouraged when they see people like them in roles they aspire to fill. We need more female leadership in this industry. I plan to lead by example to help train and motivate others.” – Lynn Hasday, Rocky Mountain Division, Alpine Level I, Snowboard Level III, Children’s Specialist 2, Cross Country Level I

Listen to NOH scholarship recipients discuss the impact of their scholarships in this First Chair Podcast. And read their advice for other women instructors, and how the scholarships have impacted their professional development.