If you plan to use your members-only PSIA-AASI Pro Offer to refresh some of your gear this year, review the rules for this valuable member benefit. Otherwise, the deals you may get today could disappear tomorrow – for everyone.

Remember, PSIA-AASI’s fantastic Official Suppliers and sponsors work with you and your fellow snow pros because of the expertise and professionalism you all share when teaching others to ski and snowboard. Trying to obtain high-quality ski and snowboard products for anyone other than yourself can jeopardize this wonderful benefit for everyone. Do your part to help ensure that pro offer pricing is something all PSIA-AASI members can enjoy for years to come.

Your best way to shop for and get a member exclusive discount is through the Pro Offers page. The deals offered – and the criteria for eligibility– are up to the individual manufacturers, and be sure to respect the vital role local snowsports retailers play in the industry.

If you follow these four simple ground rules, you’ll get the goods and maintain a good relationship with manufacturers and local shops.

1) Get to know local retailers and support them. Work with local shops to find out how you can collaborate on ways to support the snowsports industry, and each other. For instance, be sure to refer students to the retailer’s shop (and ask them to mention that you made the recommendation).

2) Be discreet. Remember that the retailer is trying to make a living. Don’t call attention to the fact you get a special industry discount, particularly within earshot of other customers. (When you purchase your gear or apparel through the Pro Offers at thesnowpros.org, you may be tempted to do some research in local shops… but show some respect. Don’t expect retailers to take time away from customers for your fact-finding mission or fit session.)

3) Play by the rules. Pro forms are intended for you only, so don’t try to get your friends and family in on the deal too unless the manufacturer expressly permits it. Also, having a pro form benefit doesn’t entitle you to discount binding mounts, free tunes, and discounts on golf gear.

4) Express your appreciation – often. The best way to show your gratitude is to comply with the rules of the program and meet the manufacturer or retailer’s expectations of you. That said, it never hurts to share your appreciation with Official Suppliers and sponsors through online reviews or follow-up emails, and drop by your local shop just to say “Thanks for all you do for my students and the industry.”