We are excited to welcome World Cup Supply, a leader in race and resort materials that promote safety and inspire learning, as a new PSIA-AASI Official Supplier. The partnership connects PSIA-AASI Member Schools with members-only specific pricing to access gates, games, safety equipment, and accessories that help their snowsports instructors teach students to learn to ski and ride.
“Offering innovative and engaging materials and systems to support children’s learning is at the heart of the relationship between World Cup Supply and PSIA-AASI,” said Bob Kimball, World Cup Supply’s vice president and chief operations officer. “By allowing snowsports schools to develop flexible learning spaces, we hope to make the experience of learning to ski or snowboard fun, dynamic, and memorable, and increase beginner conversation.”
Kimball said that World Cup Supply is launching a new Learning Center Package that includes products such as whisker gates, training mats, and arches that help teach beginners basics skills and movements. The training mat has “footprints” that show students how to move on over the snow on their skis. Once they have a foundation of the basic movements, students can then explore other areas of the mountain like freeride, racing, and freestyle.
“World Cup Supply shares PSIA-AASI’s vision statement of creating lifelong adventure through education” said PSIA-AASI CEO Nicholas Herrin. “We’re excited to partner with them to give our member schools access to products that will bring the beginner area to life with decorative arches, games, and tools to help kids have fun learning to ski or snowboard.”
As part of the partnership, PSIA-AASI member schools and members can access special pricing on gates, games, padding, safetly equipment, signage, fencing, and beginner learning tools.
Kimball said the impact PSIA-AASI’s members have on growing and teaching, new skiers and riders is unparalleled within the industry, and he’s excited to see PSIA-AASI member’s use World Cup Supply Products to make skiing and snowboarding a lifetime sport for their students.
To learn more about World Cup Supply’s education products call 800.555.0593 during business hours or email info@worldcupsupply.com at anytime.