Are you or someone you know a female ski/snowboard instructor looking for an opportunity to progress your professional goals? Do you need additional funding to attend events or exams? Click below to find out more about the Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship!

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Applicant must be a female member of PSIA-AASI with their Level I certification, in any discipline. Applications due November 8th, 2019.



“Thanks to the educational commitment and vision of former PSIA Alpine Demonstration Team member Nancy Oakes Hall, female members of PSIA-AASI who wish to follow in her bootsteps in the snowsports industry will have some extra support thanks to the newly created Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship program. Founded by Oakes Hall and developed in conjunction with PSIA-AASI, the scholarship program empowers distinguished women in snowsports education by providing opportunities to engage with peers and advance their professional development.”

“PSIA-AASI is fortunate to receive Nancy’s contribution, which will help support women by expanding their education and leadership opportunities in the snowsports industry,” said Nicholas Herrin, PSIA-AASI CEO. “One of our goals as an organization is to be a community of educators that positively influences others. I see the Nancy Oakes Hall Women’s Scholarship as an opportunity to grow our community and help shape our future leaders.”

-PSIA-AASI National