The Shoot Heard Round the World

[av_codeblock wrapper_element='' wrapper_element_attributes='' codeblock_type='' av_uid='av-kh6n7h12'] [thumbnail] [/av_codeblock] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-kh6nbp3x' admin_preview_bg=''] The Shoot Heard Round the World

The Shoot Heard Round the World2020-12-20T20:11:08-07:00

Alpine Task Force Chair’s Report to the Membership

[av_codeblock wrapper_element='' wrapper_element_attributes='' codeblock_type='' av_uid='av-kh6n7h12'] [thumbnail] [/av_codeblock] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-kh6nbp3x' admin_preview_bg=''] A Message From Your Alpine Task

Alpine Task Force Chair’s Report to the Membership2020-12-10T19:13:29-07:00

Faces of PSIA-AASI W

[av_codeblock wrapper_element='' wrapper_element_attributes='' codeblock_type='' av_uid='av-kh6n7h12'] [thumbnail] [/av_codeblock] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-kh6nbp3x' admin_preview_bg=''] Faces of PSIA-AASI W [/av_textblock] [av_codeblock

Faces of PSIA-AASI W2020-12-01T20:21:48-07:00

National Awards

By Blaine Lomen PSIA-AASI W Board of Directors Twice a year, PSIA-AASI gives awards in three categories.  The three awards below are

National Awards2020-10-26T06:28:56-06:00

Western Board Round Table

Report on Board Round Table with Membership October 21, 2020 Greetings, fellow PSIA-AASI Western Division Members. Last Wednesday, October 21, your Board

Western Board Round Table2020-10-21T07:08:59-06:00

2020-21 Western Event Calendar

More than half a year after the premature shutdown of the 2019-20 season and the ensuing uncertainty about everything, we are absolutely

2020-21 Western Event Calendar2020-10-15T07:07:15-06:00
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