Stand-Up Paddleboarding for Ski and Snowboard Fitness

In this PSIA-AASI National Team Workout story, PSIA Telemark Team member Keith Rodney shares how stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) keeps him physically fit and mentally sharp in the summer.

You can enjoy more offseason workout insight with PSIA Alpine Team member Kevin Jordan and with AASI Snowboard Team member Lyndsey Stevens.

Q: What’s your go-to offseason workout or outdoor sport, and why is it what you like to do?  

A: I spend my summer playing on my SUP. It’s a great way to work aerobics with the upper body. I have added inline skating back into my workout as well. This is partly for the aerobic but also for the lower body dynamics that relate to twisting and turning the legs. For stamina, I spend two to four days a week running and doing plyometrics.

Q: Do you teach or compete in this sport, or has it led to any great adventures around the world?  

A: I have been competing on the SUP for the last couple years. Less for the competition and more for the focus, which helps keep me motivated to push my skills. Although I also compete in running races, it is similar to my SUP racing in that I compete to stay motivated.

Q: How does this sport help you set, train for, and reach new goals?  

A: As a telemark skier, muscle stamina is crucial to a long day on the slopes. Due to the movement of telemark being hard to simulate off snow, I find a need to explore many types of activities to push and maintain my fitness. The benefit of exploring many activities makes staying motivated much easier.

Q: What can you take away from the workout/summer sport that can be applied to your work on snow?  

A: With my summer workout, I find the more I push the summer fitness the greater my endurance at the beginning of the season. I do not have to wait for the fitness level to build throughout the season.

Q: How does the workout/summer sport prepare you mentally for your work on snow? 

A: My first days on snow tend to be mixed staff training days. As a telemark skier, one of our challenges is keeping up with other disciplines. The summer workout allows me to try to keep up; I don’t want to feel like I’m holding anyone back.

Q: Do you have any other fun summer plans or good offseason reading suggestions you’d like to share?  

A: I’m definitely a skiing nerd. I mean that in a great way. My current summer read is The Hannes Schneider Ski Technique, by Benno Rybizka, published in 1938.