"Did You See That?" L2 Movement Analysis | Back to Calendar |
Dates: Monday, December 16, 2024 - Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 6 pm - 8 pm MT (2 Days)
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Event Type: Webinar
Location: Online
Host Division: Intermountain
Registration Information:
- First Chair Rate: $100.00 (available through Sunday, December 8)
- Last Chair Rate: $125.00
- CEUs: 4
Prerequisites: Current PSIA-AASI Membership, Alpine Level 1 Certification
Registration Deadline: Monday, December 9, 2024, 11:59 pm MT
Online Registration: CLOSED
Course Description:
This webinar focuses on Movement Analysis and how to accurately analyze and describe what you are seeing to create an accurate prescription for a skier. Session one will focus on identifying and developing MA processes and session two will be your chance to practice and receive feedback.
Learning Outcomes:
• Develop a strategy and system for movement identification.
• Articulate and describe body movements and ski performance related to intended outcome and ideal performance.
• Understand how to create a quick observation summary & apply a prescription for change.
• Implement and relate movement identification and change using the technical fundamentals.
Learning Experiences:
• The participants will observe a MA segment from the webinar leader.
• The webinar leader will describe ski and body performance and how they relate.
• The webinar leader will identify how ski snow interaction is affected by ski and body performance and how observations are used to compare to intended outcomes.
• The participants will have the opportunity to perform MA on a variety of skiers.
• The participants will practice looking for connections between ski and body performance relative to the skier's intended outcome and ideal performance.
• The participants will practice connecting 2 or more fundamentals in both real and ideal scenarios.
• The webinar leader will facilitate reflection about the goals of the session and other experiences.
Requirements: Computer with High-Speed Internet Connection, a microphone and speakers, a webcam (strongly advised, cell phone connection is discouraged)