6 Questions with Adaptive Team Coach Geoff Krill

Catch up with members of the PSIA-AASI National Team as they discuss how they are staying in shape this summer, making goals for next winter, and creating new education resources for the association. This week we talk to PSIA-AASI Adaptive Team Coach Geoff Krill.

6 Questions with Adaptive Team Coach Geoff Krill2020-06-15T14:46:34-06:00

PSIA-AASI Creates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

In support and solidarity for communities of color and others who are underrepresented within the snowsports industry, the PSIA-AASI Board of Directors created a new task force to educate on the topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the association’s sphere of influence.

PSIA-AASI Creates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force2020-06-25T15:11:57-06:00
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