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  • ← January 2025
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    February 2025

  • March 2025 →
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Hidden Valley (MO)
CLOSED Alpine Education Clinic, Perfect North Slopes
CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Mt. Lacrosse
CLOSED Alpine Trainers College, Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Hidden Valley (MO)
CLOSED Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Nubs Nob
CLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic - Hidden Valley/Snow Creek Instructors Only, Hidden Valley (MO)
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Level I Exam, Perfect North Slopes
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Workshop, Perfect North Slopes
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Hidden Valley (MO)CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Wilmot MountainCLOSED Level I Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 5CANCELLED (Cancelled) Learn to Telemark, Nubs NobCLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Bottineau Winter Park
CLOSED Alpine Education Clinic, Perfect North SlopesCANCELLED (Cancelled) (Private) Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Hyland HillsCLOSED Senior Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Perfect North SlopesCLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Chestnut Ski Resort
CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Mt. LacrosseCLOSED Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Wilmot MountainCLOSED Telemark Bump Clinic, Perfect North SlopesCLOSED Alpine Trainers College, Afton Alps
CLOSED Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6CANCELLED (Cancelled) Learn to Telemark (evening event), Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Blizzard Instructors Only), Afton Alps
CLOSED Alpine Level III Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 7CLOSED Telemark Workshop (evening), Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Perfect North Instructors Only), Perfect North Slopes
CLOSED Alpine Trainers College, Crystal Mountain Resort & SpaCANCELLED (Cancelled) Private - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Blizzard Instructors Only), Afton Alps
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Hidden Valley (MO)CLOSED Private - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Perfect North Instructors Only), Perfect North Slopes
CLOSED Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Nubs NobCLOSED Snowboard Level II/III Exam Prep, Afton Alps
CLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic - Hidden Valley/Snow Creek Instructors Only, Hidden Valley (MO)CLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic, Snow Trails
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Level I Exam, Perfect North SlopesCANCELLED (Cancelled) Performance Telemark Workshop (One Day), Pine Knob Ski Resort
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Workshop, Perfect North SlopesCANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Bump Clinic, Pine Knob Ski Resort
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Level I Exam, Nubs Nob
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Workshop (One Day), Nubs Nob
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Blizzard Instructors Only), Afton AlpsCANCELLED (Cancelled) (Private) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam - Tyrol Basin Instructors Only, Tyrol BasinCLOSED Alpine Clinic "Shut Up and Teach", Wilmot MountainPerformance Telemark Workshop (One Day), Crystal Mountain Resort
CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Bottineau Winter ParkCLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Evening Event), Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Alpine Education Clinic, Wilmot MountainTelemark Workshop (One Day), Crystal Mountain Resort
CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Chestnut Ski ResortCLOSED Alpine Level II Exam (Evening Event), Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Alpine Level II Exam, Wilmot MountainAdaptive Alpine Level 1: 3-Track/4-Track Exam, Perfect North Slopes
CLOSED Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6CANCELLED (Cancelled) (Private) Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Hyland HillsWAITLIST Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 1WAITLIST Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6CLOSED Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Mad River Ski Resort
CLOSED Alpine Trainers College, Afton AlpsCLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic, Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Learn To Telemark, Pine Knob Ski Resort
CLOSED Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Perfect North Instructors Only), Perfect North SlopesCLOSED Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6CLOSED Children's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Wilmot MountainCLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic, Mad River Ski Resort
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Private - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Blizzard Instructors Only), Afton AlpsCLOSED Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Afton Alps Instructors Only), Afton AlpsHIGHLIGHTED Women in Snowsports Symposium, Perfect North Slopes
CLOSED Private - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Afton Alps Instructors Only), Afton AlpsCLOSED Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Evening Event), Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)CLOSED Children's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Wilmot Mountain
CLOSED Private - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Perfect North Instructors Only), Perfect North SlopesCLOSED Snowboard Level II Exam, Wilmot Mountain
CLOSED Snowboard Level II/III Exam Prep, Afton AlpsLevel I Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 5CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Level I Exam, Pine Knob Ski Resort
CLOSED Multi-Discipline Education Clinic, Snow TrailsCLOSED Telemark Workshop, Pine Knob Ski Resort
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Telemark Level I Exam, Nubs Nob
Children's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Snow Creek(Private) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Skijammers Instructors Only), Buck HillSnowboard Webinar - "M.A. Foundations for Teaching", PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 8Telemark Workshop (One Day), Cascade MountainWAITLIST Alpine Level III Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 7Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. On-Snow Module, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)WAITLIST Alpine Education Update, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
Multi-Discipline Adaptive Workshop, Perfect North SlopesAlpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Evening Event), TrollhaugenChildren's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Afton AlpsChildren's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Snow CreekWAITLIST Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
Cross Country Level I Hybrid Exam, Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic CenterChildren's Specialist 1 Hybrid Exam, Snow CreekAlpine Level II Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
Children's Specialist 2 Hybrid Exam, Afton AlpsAlpine Mini-Academy, Pine Knob Ski Resort
Performance Telemark Workshop (One Day), Cascade MountainWAITLIST Performance Skiing, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Snowboard Level II Exam, Perfect North Slopes
WAITLIST Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
Snowboard Level II Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
Alpine Education Clinic, Hyland Hills(Private) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Evening Event), Buck HillAlpine Exam Cram, Afton Alps
WAITLIST Alpine Education Update, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)(Private) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Skijammers Instructors Only), Buck Hill(Private Event) Alpine Education Clinic - Alpine Valley Instructors Only, Alpine Valley (WI)Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. On-Snow Module, Afton Alps
WAITLIST Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)WAITLIST Alpine Level II Tech/M.A. Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6(Private) Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam - Alpine Valley Instructors Only, Alpine Valley (WI)Alpine Level III Tech/M.A. On-Snow Module, Afton Alps
Alpine Level II Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)Private - Alpine Level I On-Snow Exam (Pine Knob Instructors Only), Pine Knob Ski ResortTelemark Bump Clinic, Nubs Nob
Alpine Mini-Academy, Pine Knob Ski ResortPrivate - Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam (Pine Knob Instructors Only), Pine Knob Ski Resort
WAITLIST Performance Skiing, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)Central Cross Country Academy, Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic Center
CANCELLED (Cancelled) Snowboard Level II Exam, Perfect North SlopesCross Country Level I Hybrid Exam, Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic Center(Private) Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam - Alpine Valley Instructors Only, Alpine Valley (WI)
WAITLIST Snowboard Level I On-Snow Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)Cross Country Level III Exam, Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic Center
Snowboard Level II Exam, Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)Snowboard Webinar - "Level II & III Exam Prep", PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 8
Level I Virtual Module, PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 5

  • Color Key:
  • Adaptive
  • Alpine
  • Children's
  • Cross Country
  • Freestyle
  • Multi
  • Snowboard
  • Telemark

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- Bottineau Winter Park
- Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa
- Devil's Head Resort
- Mont Ripley
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 1
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 13
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 2
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 3
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 5
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 7
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 8
- Snowmass Ski Area
- Sun Valley
- Chestnut Ski Resort
- Chicago Snow Studio
- Perfect North Slopes
- Bittersweet
- Copper Harbor
- Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa
- Forbush Corner Nordic
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Hills Recreation Area
- Mt Holly
- Nubs Nob
- Shanty Creek Resort
- Snow River Resort
- Snow Snake Ski & Golf
- Treetops Resort
- Boyne Mountain
- Marquette Mountain
- Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)
- Pine Knob Ski Resort
- Timber Ridge (Gobles)
- Afton Alps
- Back Channel Brewery
- Buck Hill
- Elm Creek Park Reserve
- Giants Ridge
- Hyland Hills
- Lake Elmo Sunfish Lake Park
- Lino Lakes Fire Station
- Wild Mountain
- Wirth Park
- Detroit Mountain
- Hidden Valley (MO)
- Snow Creek
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- Braemar Arena
North Dakota
- Frost Fire Park
- Alpine Valley Ski Resort (Ohio)
- Flannagan's Dublin Ohio
- Hampton Hills Mountain Bike Trail
- Mentor Senior Center
- Snow Trails
- Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
- Mad River Ski Resort
- Crystal Mountain Resort
- Alpine Valley (WI)
- Ausblick Ski Hill
- Granite Peak
- Little Switzerland
- Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic Center
- Nordic Mountain
- The Mountain Top at Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
- Trollhaugen
- Tyrol Basin
- Cascade Mountain
- Wilmot Mountain
- Mt. Lacrosse
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Event DisciplineEvent LocationEvent Type
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Cross Country
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- Bottineau Winter Park
- Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa
- Devil's Head Resort
- Mont Ripley
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 1
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 13
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 2
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 3
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 5
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 6
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 7
- PSIA-AASI Central Webinars - Meeting Room 8
- Snowmass Ski Area
- Sun Valley
- Chestnut Ski Resort
- Chicago Snow Studio
- Perfect North Slopes
- Bittersweet
- Copper Harbor
- Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa
- Forbush Corner Nordic
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Hills Recreation Area
- Mt Holly
- Nubs Nob
- Shanty Creek Resort
- Snow River Resort
- Snow Snake Ski & Golf
- Treetops Resort
- Boyne Mountain
- Marquette Mountain
- Mt. Brighton Ski Resort (MI)
- Pine Knob Ski Resort
- Timber Ridge (Gobles)
- Afton Alps
- Back Channel Brewery
- Buck Hill
- Elm Creek Park Reserve
- Giants Ridge
- Hyland Hills
- Lake Elmo Sunfish Lake Park
- Lino Lakes Fire Station
- Wild Mountain
- Wirth Park
- Detroit Mountain
- Hidden Valley (MO)
- Snow Creek
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- The Highlands at Harbor Springs
- Braemar Arena
North Dakota
- Frost Fire Park
- Alpine Valley Ski Resort (Ohio)
- Flannagan's Dublin Ohio
- Hampton Hills Mountain Bike Trail
- Mentor Senior Center
- Snow Trails
- Boston Mills Ski Resort (BMBW)
- Mad River Ski Resort
- Crystal Mountain Resort
- Alpine Valley (WI)
- Ausblick Ski Hill
- Granite Peak
- Little Switzerland
- Minocqua Winter Park & Nordic Center
- Nordic Mountain
- The Mountain Top at Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
- Trollhaugen
- Tyrol Basin
- Cascade Mountain
- Wilmot Mountain
- Mt. Lacrosse
(States may be clicked to expand)
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Certificate Assessment
Certification Exam
Education Clinic
Examiner Training
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