Listen to these two new PSIA-AASI First Chair podcasts to learn more about Rider Rally at Big Sky Montana and the multi-discipline benefits of PSIA-AASI’s ONEteam approach.
Chris Rogers Shares an Update from Rider Rally and National Academy
In this podcast, AASI Snowboard Team member Chris Rogers shares an update about his experience leading a group at Rider Rally and National Academy (Snowboard) at Big Sky Resort in Montana last month. These two events offered participants a chance to ride with members of the 2021-24 PSIA-AASI National Team. Members participated in on-snow clinics, outdoor electives, indoor electives, as well as demo days where members connected with some of PSIA-AASI’s Official Suppliers.
Geoff Krill Talks About the ONEteam Approach for an Adaptive Event
Listen to this First Chair podcast with PSIA-AASI Adaptive Team Coach Geoff Krill who recently completed a tryout for the PSIA-AASI Eastern division staff Adaptive Team. Geoff explains why he decided to take a cross-discipline approach for this adaptive event and why he asked AASI Snowboard Team member Brian Donovan to join him to be a selector.