Use the Event Calendar to Find In-Person and Online Education

Manage your professional development with the PSIA-AASI Event Calendar – your go-to stop for organized, easy to find, updated information.

The calendar makes it easy for you to search by region and discipline for webinars, in-person events, interactive clinics, examiner trainings, and more. New information and events are constantly added, and you can also keep track of how many spots are still open for an event you are considering.

Here are some of the upcoming events on the Event Calendar. Register for one now to start your season.

Adaptive Online – Brains That Work Differently

Day 1: Sunday, November 14, 2021 from 5 pm – 7:30 pm MT
Day 2: Sunday, November 21, 2021 from 5 pm – 7:30 pm MT

Rocky Mountain will host this two-part, 6 CEU interactive clinic that will help you effectively connect with and teach guests who have mild to significant cognitive-related challenges, from stroke survivors to children on the autism spectrum.

Tea Talk with Stacey Gerrish

Tuesday, November 16, 6 pm MT

Register now to attend a free, interactive Tea Talk webinar on Tuesday, November 16, at 6 p.m. MT with Stacey Gerrish interviewing Noelle Lambert, a record-holding Paralympic athlete. Noelle is a U.S. Paralympian, who, in 2016, was involved in a moped accident that caused her to lose her left leg above the knee. At the time she was a collegiate lacrosse player. Space is limited, so reserve your spot today.

Conversations for the Tele Curious

November 22, 2021, 7 pm – 9 pm ET

PSIA-AASI Central will host his 2 hour, 2 CEU course designed to engage both current and wanna-be tele skiers as we discuss gear, technique, learning resources, and the most common mistakes new (and many long-time, self-taught) tele skiers make. Register here.

Self Efficacy: Knowing You are Ready for Exams Webinar

December 6, 2021 from 6 pm – 7:30 pm MT

Intermountain will host this 2 CEU course in to help you establish a personalized criteria and training plan to prepare for exams and self-development. Register today.
