There are multiple ways you can give to the PSIA-AASI Western Education Foundation:
- Volunteer
- Turn your spring cleaning into a tax write off! We are re-designing and modernizing our Truckee Office that serves the administration for the Education Foundation and PSIA-AASI Western Membership. We are looking for lightly used donations as listed below. If you have any of the items on our wish list, we’d love to take them off your hands. We’ll also give you a donation receipt for the value of the item which you can use as a write-off on your 2018 taxes! Please email us with a description and photo of the item(s) you wish to donate:
- Ergonomic office chairs
- Modern storage cabinets
- Computers, monitors, laptops, Flat screen w/wall mount
- Portable clothing rack and hangers
- Poster frame (24” x 36”)
- Paper shredder
- Mini mini fridge
[av_button label=’3. Donate’ link=’manually,’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’left’ icon_select=’no’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-l9whsb’]
The Education Foundation gives back to our members and provide education opportunities for PSIA/AASI-W instructors looking to enhance their personal growth and further their careers in snow sports instruction.
This season the Education gave back by awarding over 10 scholarships to members looking to enrich their careers as a snowsport instructor, covered the registration for our member schools to send some of their key employees to our SoCal Winter Rally for Education, continually assists the PSIA-AASI Western Division with funds to help make the Education, Certification and Premier Events affordable for our members. They provided funding to help rewrite manuals and educational material such as the Telemark Handbook